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Mango Butter(Skin Moisturizer)
6 Oz. Cobalt-Blue Jar Mango Butter Emollient.
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Mango Butter (Skin Moisturizer)
6 Oz. Cobalt-Blue Jar Mango Butter Emollient. Friendly Fumes 'Refined' Mango Butter has natural emollient properties, wound healing, and regenerative activity. Mango Butter has been traditionally used in the rainforests and tropics for its skin softening, soothing, moisturizing and protective properties and to restore flexibility and reduce degeneration of skin cells. As you experiment with this butter you are likely to discover additional uses.
Has a protective effect against UV radiation.
Can help in healing a skin rash.
Note: Containers may change due to availability
Home Remedies for Dry Skin
There are millions of people who suffer from dry skin troubles. Dryness in our skin occurs due to the lack of moisture present in the skin especially during the time of winters. There are several home remedies that can help one get rid of this problem. You can make an avocado paste to apply on the skin regularly. The Aloe Vera extract can be consumed to get rid of it. Drinking a lot of water might be of great help. You can mix the contents of a vitamin Ecapsule in the cream and then apply it on the dry skin for better results. Coconut and olive oil can be mixed to moisturize the skin. Dryness of the skin is a very common problem for millions of people from all over the world and hence a number of treatments are available to this ailment. When the skin loses its moisture content, it results in dry skin. Some people face dry skin problems especially during the winters. There reason behind it is the dryness in the air in this particular season. But there are many others for whom skin dryness is a persistent problem. They are born with thus type of skin and application of cosmetics or soaps on it make the skin even rougher. Some times other ailments make the skin dry. If you have some liver problems, chances are there your skin will become dry. This is the reason why you need to according to Mayoclinic dry skin can lead towards dermatitis which manifests in itching and redness of the area. The National Skin care Institute supports that fact that home remedies and natural care is good to treat dryness of skin.
Drinking Water Regularly:
The most common home remedy that can be used to treat dry skin is drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water every day. This helps in retaining the water content of the body throughout the day and thus it prevents the skin from losing moisture. If there are some waste particles stored inside the body causing dryness of skin, water flushes them out and keep your skin healthy and glowing.
Some medical experts feel that soaking your body in lukewarm water for 15 minutes every day is a better remedy for dry skin than drinking water. This re-hydrates the skin and keeps it soft and moisturized.
Herbal Moisturizing Lotions:
A moisturizing lotion should be applied to the dry parts of the skin. It is suggested to use the herbal lotions which are prepared from herbal extracts.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is a great natural remedy for the skin problems. You can number of aloe creams, masks and extracts in the market which provide good results in treating dry skin. Drinking a glass of aloe juice every day will help improve the condition.
There are numerous ointments available in the market. You should choose the one depending on your skin type. The creams with vitamin e and rich oil content are good for dry skin. You can also take a vitamin E capsule and mix its contents to any good quality moisturizing cream to apply on the dry skin. This will show the results soon.
Proper Diet:
Diet plays an important role in controlling the dry skin. Consuming plenty of vitamin enriched fruits and vegetables can definitely help. You can also opt for the vitamin supplements and capsules.
Milk and Almond Oil:
Drink a glass of milk with 2 spoonful of almond oil on a regular basis to get rid of dry skin problems.
Make a paste of avocado and apply it on the dry skin as it is a very good moisturizer.
Sesame Oil:
Applying sesame oil of the dry parts of the skin can help one get rid of this problem permanently.
Baby Oil:
Baby oil is a great remedy for those who have dry skin problems as this is soft and gentle and contains highly moisturizing elements.
Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil, mixed with some olive oil is a useful home remedy for dryness of skin.
Excerpt from:
Organic Facts
National Skin care Institute
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